Green Door Hospitality

Adventures in Everyday Entertaining

Reader Appreciation Award

I have had the wonderful honor of being nominated for a Reader Appreciation Award by Laurie at A Taste of Morning!  I love Laurie’s blog full of recipes, improvements, and beautiful photography!  They run a lovely looking Bed and Breakfast in Kansas (The Morning Star Bed and Breakfast) and I look forward to when we can plan a trip to go and stay there!

The Rules:

  • Post link to the person who nominated you
  • Include a picture of the award on your blog
  • Nominate some other bloggers for the award
  • Tell 7 things about yourself

There are so many wonderful blogs that I follow and I love the sense of community and encouragement that surrounds the blogging world.  Some of these blogs I have nominated in the past and continue to love.  I encourage you to check them out under my Awards tab.  Here are a couple blogs that I enjoy and haven’t gotten the opportunity to nominate for an award yet.  And as a reader, I do greatly appreciate them so, take a look and hope you enjoy them as well!

Playful and Hungry — Not only does she have great recipes, but she definitely knows the fine art of playing with her food!

christinasandru — Mainly a photo journal of both adventures, as well as the beauty that surrounds us on a daily basis!

Food & Foto — An artists take on not only her craft, photography, but the culinary treats that she makes in her kitchen!

The hard part is always coming up with new things to share, especially ones that I haven’t already told you! 🙂

  • I’m a big Beatles fan!  And as much as I love each of the fab four for different reasons, George is by far my favorite!
  • Bread making is my latest “thing”.  Expect to see much in the ways of loaves, rolls, and biscuits in the coming weeks.
  • I love to play billiards.  It is also the only thing that I am ambidextrous at.  I am right handed but learned how to shoot pool from a left handed person, who taught me to shoot left handed.  Now I can do both.
  • Loved The Dark Knight Rises!  I thought Christopher Nolan did an excellent job on the whole Batman trilogy.
  • I can recite almost all the words to both Monty Python and The Holy Grail, as well as The Princess Bride.
  • Roald Dahl was my favorite author growing up.  Loved all of his books, though I think “The BFG” was my favorite.
  • I collected zebras for quite a large part of my 20’s.

Thank you once again to A Taste of Morning, and in my overall reader appreciation, here is some freshly baked bread that I just finished.

12 comments on “Reader Appreciation Award

  1. Dogs, Dishes, and Decor
    August 9, 2012

    Congratulations, Kenley! I LOVED Roald Dahl as well. And the bread looks delicious.

  2. petit4chocolatier
    August 9, 2012

    Congratulations!!! The bread looks incredible!

  3. createityourself
    August 9, 2012

    Congratulations! Yummy looking bread…And Beatles music will live on FOREVER!

  4. bigsmileu1
    August 10, 2012

    Congratulations! I love Monty Python and the Princess Bride! Enjoy. 🙂

  5. Cloches & Lavender
    August 10, 2012

    Congrats!!! I am happy for you.


  6. playfulandhungry
    August 10, 2012

    Aw, thank you so much for nominating me!!! Honestly! My blog is still so young, I just started… it’s great to know that people like what I am doing even though it’s not the average food blog… Thanks for nominating me!!!

Let me know what you think!