Green Door Hospitality

Adventures in Everyday Entertaining

Food Revolution and Bike To Work

Today is a big day!  It is a day to remind ourselves to fuel our bodies in two different ways — through food and through exercise!  And while doing that, raise some global awareness!!

JO_FRDay_CMYK_Master_Logo_A “Food Revolution Day is a global day of action to keep cooking skills alive.  It’s about celebrating the importance of cooking good food from scratch and raising awareness of how it impacts our health and happiness – we believe that everyone should know about food and it starts with getting kids food smart, making cooking fun and inspiring a love of food that will last a lifetime.”  Learn more about how you can get involved at FOOD REVOLUTION DAY !

Bike To Work Day

May is National Bike Month.  And in several cities, today is Bike to Work Day!  (Some cities do it on different dates due to weather, city activities, etc.).  The idea of utilizing bicycles more is not just a movement (pun intended) to get people to exercise more.  It is about utilizing other means of transportation and reducing car pollution.  Learn more about what your city is doing to celebrate at the LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BICYCLISTS !

5 comments on “Food Revolution and Bike To Work

  1. apuginthekitchen
    May 16, 2014

    I sold my car a couple of years ago and either bike or walk every day to my work and appt’s. If it’s too far I take public transport. One less car on the road!! Great post and these are things we should all be aware of.

  2. gentlestitches
    May 16, 2014

    I am also a cyclist and have been all my life. 🙂

  3. I’m pro-food revolution! It’s a personal revolution to learn how to cook, too.

  4. mmmarzipan
    June 26, 2014

    Love FRD!!! Hope you had a great one! xx

Let me know what you think!


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